Guide to Gifting Tea
Tea is the most popular beverage worldwide, following water.
As a gift, it is a series of rare combinations, it is practical yet romantic, traditional yet elegant, versatile yet thoughtful.
Tea is something intended to be used, literally consumable.
Tea is comparatively inexpensive yet can be combined with other items - such as teawear - to make a more substantial gift.
Tea promotes health and wellness.
Tea embodies romance and tradition.
Narrow down the options with the following questions. These questions will help idenfity an individuals unique tastes and tea drinking habits.
Does the gift recipient drink all tea types? Or only certain tea types?
Do they prefer a pure or flavored tea?
What flavors do they like?
Do they have any food allergies? Or other health related restrictions that may affect drinking tea?
Are they adventurous tea drinkers? Open to new flavors and teas?
Consider the names of the tea. Inspired by Michigan cities, landmarks, and culture, the names of our tea can evoke feelings of reconnection to Michigan places, communities, and memories.
Is there a name the gift recipient would connect with?
Is there a name that encompasses a shared connection?
When you give the gift of S•TEA•P tea, you're giving more than tea.
You're giving an experience, a connection, a memory. Find out more in our Blog "More Than Tea."