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How to brew the perfect cup of tea


Brewing the perfect cup of tea is simple and easy. It comes down to these 3 things

  1. Portioning

  2. Water

  3. Steep Time

This guide appears of the back of all S•TEA•P packaging.

The following brewing suggestion is

for an 8 oz cup (236 ml).


Heat Water


1.5 tsp (3 g)

 160 - 170 °F

2 - 3 minutes


The recommended tea to water ratio is 3 grams of loose leaf tea per every 8oz of water. Because of the variance in leaf densities, this can equal anywhere from 1 teaspoon to 2 Tablespoons of tea leaves. Less dense, or "fluffier," tea leaves weigh less so it takes more of them to equal 3 grams. While more dense tea leaves, such as rolled, balled, or compressed tea leaves are heavier. All of S•TEA•P's teas list accurate measurements on the package. Additionally, our STEAPing guide lists general measurements for each tea type.

  • Pro tip: If you're not sure how large your brewing vessel is, test it. Fill it with water, then transfer the water to a measuring up. Chances are it's larger than 8 oz. If you use the same mug or teapot to brew in regularly you will likely remember the amount it holds. If you're afraid of forgetting, you can mark the capacity on the underside with a waterproof marker.


You can use bottled or filtered water, but you don't have to. If you like the taste of the water it's fine to make tea with. The more important factor when it comes to water is the temperature. Each type of tea has unique attributes and an ideal infusion temperature range (see our STEAPing guide) that correspond to how it was processed. White, Green & Yellow teas undergo less processing than Oolong, Black, and Dark tea's, so these tea types are particularly susceptible to becoming bitter in boiling water.

  • Pro tip: A variable temperature electric kettle is a game changer for your tea ritual. With pre-set temperature buttons it takes the guess work out of perfecting water temperature.

Steep time

Leaving the lea leaves in the water too long can cause a brew that is too strong or astringent. While not leaving it in long enough will result in a week and "watery" cup. A general rule of thumb is that more processed teas steep longer than less processed tea types. All of S•TEA•P's teas list recommended steeping times on the package. For best results follow these recommendations.

  • Pro tip 1: set a timer. for your steep time.

  • Pro tip 2: If the recommended steeping time is a range, for example 3-5 minutes try starting in the middle of the range (4 minutes). For subsequent cups adjust up or down depending upon your tastes.

To sum it all up, using the recommended portions, water temperature, and steeping time brings out the tea leaves best qualities and compounds resulting in a balanced and delicious cup. With that said, everyone's tastes are different and individualistic to them. You should brew and consume tea however you like it. Our recommendations leave space for this. If you see the recommended water temperature listed as 200-210 (just under boiling and boiling) or steep time listed as 3-5 minutes. Anywhere in this range will produce as "ideal" cup for the majority of tea drinkers. Experiment to find your perfect cup.

This recipe for tea brewing is a map, your perfect cup is the destination, and how you get there is up to you!

Happy STEAPing,



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