If you love tea, it's likely you enjoy trying all the teas. And who among us could blame you?! Trying all the various tea types and flavors is part of the fun of being a tea drinker!
The only problem is what to do with all the tea. The obvious answer is DRINK IT! But what about until then.... Where does it go? How is it stored? This may not be something we give much thought to, but we should. It's important to remember that the way tea is stored plays a role in its freshness and flavor. Propper tea storage will ensure that each cup of tea you prepare is as good as the very first.
What to store tea in.
The best containers for tea have an airtight seal and are odor and light blocking. I like keeping tea in its original packaging as it usually contains brewing instructions. Not to mention I'll know what it is and where I got it.
Where to store tea
The best place to store tea is in a cool, dry, dark, and odor-free place. This is usually in a cabinet or cupboard. Avoid storing teas in the same location as spices and coffee, as tea can absorb other flavors.
How long to store tea
Tea has a long shelf life. Following these storage tips will help it to stay fresh. While it won't "go bad," it will lose flavor over time. Once opened, try to drink it within 6 months.
To sum it up, tea stays fresh when it’s protected from light, sealed in an airtight container, and kept in a cool, dry place.
The best containers for tea:
Maintain an airtight seal
Protect from light
Don’t absorb odors
Keep the tea completely dry
The best place to store tea is:
cool (not hot or cold)
dry (no moisture)
dark (protected from light)
away from strong odors (that it might absorb)
